What Should You Do After a Car Accident?


Car accidents are never planned, yet they are those every day occurrences that can significantly change lives forever. The most important thing to do in the day following a crash is to make sure you are healthy and free from pain and injury.

Who Should You See After a Car Accident?

Whether you had a major accident or just a fender bender, it is best to have a follow up with your doctor. If you suspect fractures or internal bleeding, and especially if you hit your head during the crash, you should go to the hospital immediately. Even if you feel just fine after a car accident, it is best to be examined by your primary physician within the next day.

After a major accident, you will want to get X-rays done to ensure that no damage has been done to your skeletal system.

Should You See A Chiropractor After an Auto Accident?

It is best to see a chiropractor shortly after an automobile accident, regardless if it was a major or minor one. Your primary physician can rule out any suspicion of fractures or broken bones through X-rays.

Once immediate health risks are diagnosed and treated with your primary physician, a chiropractor can help with the following:

Reducing Pain: A bad accident can definitely give our bodies a shake up. During the occurrence of an automobile accident, it is very likely that a subluxation or misalignment has happened. Most commonly the place to be affected is the spine because of how a body can jerk forward and backward quickly. This can lead to whiplash and chronic back pain if gone untreated.

Whiplash is a result of a jolt to the spine and is felt in the neck or back region. Some cases of whiplash just cause mild pain because the muscles tense up, but more severe cases can cause excruciating pain and can misalign vertebrae in some individuals. There are also many more injuries that can occur, such as herniated discs or bone fractures. These types of accidents can cause chronic problems if not taken care of immediately, which is why it is important to be seen by a chiropractor as soon as possible.

Restoring Mobility: Car accidents leave many individuals sore after the crash, which is normal. However, many also have a hard time moving as easy as they once did, especially those who are older. If you find yourself in this situation, a chiropractor can increase your joint mobility and help you begin to feel like new again.

Preventing Further Damage: An accident leaves your body and health in less than optimal conditions. Therefore, it is easier for your body to sustain further injuries or ailments from another event, such as a minor slip and fall. Receiving chiropractic adjustments after the accident will help ensure that your body is healing and back to how it should be, which will in turn protect you in the future.

What Can You Expect on Your Chiropractic Visit?

Chiropractors specialize in complementary and alternative medicine. They diagnose, treat, and prevent disorders of the neuro-musculoskeletal system. A chiropractor will use manual techniques to manipulate the positions of vertebrae to alleviate pain and maintain correct positions.

When visiting a chiropractor after a car crash, it is important to describe in detail as much as possible about the car crash so they can recreate the scenario and inspect all areas that may be affected. If possible, it’s a good idea to write down and bring a summary of everything you remember about the accident, including the area of your car that was impacted, as well as the position in which you were seated, the position you ended up in after the accident, and any symptoms that you may feel.

The chiropractor may want to conduct an X-rays, if not brought along to the visit, to confirm that there are no fractures and will probably conduct a full inspection of your neck and back. After their examination and diagnosis, they will form a plan of treatment to get you on your way to a full recovery. There are several methods of reducing muscle stiffness and pain and they will probably do an adjustment to correct anything that may be out of place.

The steps you take in seeking medical attention from all sources in the first days are crucial to your recovery and rehabilitation from pain and injury.

Protecting Your Back This Winter Season

SnowShovelingCSP72dpiThe winter season is upon us and extra precaution must be taken as snow removal and icy walking surfaces can contribute to an increased risk of back injuries. Included below are some useful tips that can be followed to help keep your back healthy and injury free this winter season.

1. Warm up: Prepare your body for physical activity by stimulating the joints and muscles, and increasing blood circulation. Climbing stairs, marching on the spot, or going for a quick walk around the block, can serve as excellent warm ups in five to ten minutes. Follow this with some gentle stretches and exercises for the back.

2. Push, don’t lift: Push the snow to one side and avoid lifting. If you must lift, keep the shovel close to your body and avoid twisting and turning by positioning yourself to lift and throw straight at the snow pile. Be sure to lift slowly and smoothly and do not jerk with your lifts.

3. Technique: Bend the knees, keep the back straight and brace: Use your knees, legs and arm muscles to do the pushing and lifting while keeping your back straight. Maintaining the natural and neutral curves of your back is important, as this is its strongest and most secure position. Contracting and bracing your abdominal muscles during lifting improves spinal stability and decreases the chance of injury.

4. Proper Equipment: Use the right shovel: Use a lightweight, non-stick, push-style shovel. Separate your hands as much as possible on the shovel handle for better leverage against the weight of the snow.

5. Dress for the job: Wear warm clothing to protect yourself against the elements. Shoes and boots with solid treads and soles can help minimize the risk of awkward twisting, slips and falls.

6. Don’t let the snow pile up: Removing small amounts of snow on a frequent basis is less strenuous in the long run.

7. Watch the ice: Caution should be exercised around icy walkways and slippery surfaces. Intermittent thaws and subsequent freezing can give way to ice build-up under foot increasing the risk of back twisting, slips and falls. Coarse sand, ice salt, ice melter, or even kitty litter can help give your walkways and driveways more traction.

8. Take a break: Know your physical limits. If you feel tired or short of breath, stop and take a rest. Make a habit to rest for a moment every 10 or 15 minutes during shoveling. This is especially important if the snow is wet and heavy. Stop shoveling immediately if you feel chest or back pain.

In the event that you suffer a back injury that does not subside, you should contact a licensed Chiropractic who deals in the diagnosis and treatment of back pain. For more information, visit www.chamberschiropractic.com and view our video library for more details on treating pain injuries.

Be Safe and Well this Season!

Chiropractic Care for Young Athletes


The current generation of children are more athletic than ever before.  According to The Center for Kids First, 30 million to 40 million children get involved in organized sports in the course of a year. Whether your little one is just starting out in pee-wee football, or you have a teenager in any and every high school sport activity, your young athlete is bound to get injured. Even though the old adage is that, “kids bounce back quickly after a fall or injury,” don’t dismiss your child’s minor athletic injuries, especially during the crucial years of their musculoskeletal development.
Regular chiropractic care can benefit young athletes in several ways. Even if your child escapes during the season with just a few minor bumps and bruises, a chiropractic adjustment will help realign the spine, especially after lot of activity and when their developing bodies may be pushed harder than normally.
And not only can chiropractic care treat misalignments, but also can be preventive health against major injuries from occurring.
  • Prevent injury. When bodies are properly aligned, then we have a decreased chance of injury.
  • Prevent sickness. Proper alignment of the spine, balances the nervous system and immune system. A compromised health can lead to poorer performance and missed practice.
  • Ensure peak performance. Think about how much precision it takes to throw a baseball. If the body is misaligned just a little bit, it could vastly affect an athlete’s skills.
Proper health, nutrition and equipment are vital to success in any sports activity. Chiropractic care is another vital way to protect a young athlete from injury and give them the best opportunity to perform at their peak.